lots going on. Saints on their way to their first Superbowl. Yes, I think it may actually happen this year!! I just hope Chicago loses next week, so my 2nd playoff ticket that says NFC Championship will become a valid ticket.
So another year has come and gone and we all hope to make this year better than the last. hope this comes true for all. So here’s whats going on in the world of P.Scoop. Been to San Fran, New York, Frorida,and backin florida as I type this. Going to Austin this coming week. going to install a library for work out there and catch up with the New Orleans transplants and the relatives.
i’ll post all the pics from the trips when i get home this afternoon. be on the lookout for them. Mardi gras is coming upand there even were 2 parades last night back home. Wish I could have been there,but family duties called. Anyways hope this finds everyone well. Till my next update, SHAKE IT!
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