I was hoping this day would actually come sooner rather than later. The Podcast has enough of a following to where I kinda felt bad posting my ramblings on that site and making listeners of the show have to scroll through to get to the last show. So what all has happened since the last posting? I’m in my “new house” (of over a year and a half now). The train set is coming along,  but we’ve been kinda at a standstill for the past few months.  We need to get back onto it,  but we have a carnival,  a whole Saints train,  hundreds of misc cars, Streetcars,  Stonehenge (yeah, you read that right), and lots more.   I have a few other buildings still to build and paint,  including a Waffle House, because what town is complete without a Waffle House?!?  You can check out our progress on the train set page up top.

picklesnoopI got a dog. I’ve had him for a little over a month now, and I love it. His name is E.R.I.C. according to the adoption papers, but he prefers to go by his alter ego, Picklesnoop. I got him from the Westbank SPCA. He’s 8 years old and he’s half lab, half chihuahua. No, I’m not sure which was the mom and which was the dad. The first night I had him, he got loose and took me for a 7 or 8 block chase. That “escape” reminded me of the Ron White bit about when his dog ran away. When it came back, he took it for a walk. Since then, he got loose one other time on Mardi Gras day, but he only got around the corner before I caught up with him and coaxed him back to the house.  He’s accustomed to his new home now and even sleeps in my bed every night.  He gets along with Hennessey pretty well when she comes to visit.


picklecastWe’ve obviously been doing the Podcast show for quite a while. Mayday left for a hiatus and came back with a ferocity (which we love and appreciate). MArk is of course a regular host, which I love having him on as we’re like a ying and yang. H1N1 has joined the crew helping with Video, additional opinions, and some producer type tasks.  Thanks to ya’ll for helping make the show as successful as it has become.  We’ve grown so big,  we’re in the planning stages for an awards show in the upcoming months.  Should be interesting.

I’ve been doing a podcast dedicated to Wrestling (the NOW Show), with the Dirtiest Players and a few other random local wrestling fans for about a year now.  We don’t have a huge following on it just yet,  but it’s a ton of fun making our own stories up about the wrestling world and give our predictions on things.

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I’ve been at My IT for just shy of 5 years and I love it there. My clients are awesome people. I’ve gotten my MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional and I’m about to start using technologies like VMWare and SAN.


I’m still pretty active with my Lions club and Scouts.  I’m currently Secretary for my Lions Club and I serve the district as the Technology Committee chair.  I gave a presentation a few months ago on getting Lions clubs online, and I’ll be giving it again in two weeks and again in April at State convention.  I’ll be doing a live podcast from Convention as well.  Keeps me busy,  but it helps out some great causes.

I’m still a committee member for my troop.  I send letters off to dignitaries requesting congratulatory letters for our troop’s Eagle Scouts.  I’m still a registered counselor for a few merit badges (as far as I know), but I don;t get to give as much time to Scouting as I once had time for.  But every little bit I can give,  I do.

Anyways,  I hope to update this more often with thoughts and ramblings as time goes on.  Till my next post,  as we say on the podcast,  go hug yourself.

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