Well, I just got back from Florida a little over an hour ago. Sorry P, figured by the time I got home and showered, you’d be sawing logs. Anyways, went to Florida to visit my Pawpaw, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Dawn, Uncle Von, Amber, Hayley, and Damon, and their significant others. Good to see them and catch up with them. Also as strange as this come off from me, it was good to get away form New Orleans for a bit.
So, I’ve been living in the trailer for about 2 weeks now. It’s ok I guess. I have a 32″ plasma TV that I bought and put in my room. It sits on Milk crates (gotta love how this storm has turned me back into a “just getting off the ground” guy again. The trailer isnt so bad. But some things I’ve learned from the experience thus far:
1. The showers in FEMA trailers are indeed made for midgets. Its like a step or two higher from the floor, so when I stand in it, My head hits the vent thingy. Crouching Pickle, Hidden Dragon.
2. The water Heater in a FEMA trailer is about the size of a mouse bladder. If you’re thinking of joing the armed forces and want prep for boot camp showers. Live in a Fema trialer for a week. You’ll get quick.
3. Big trucks driving down the street make the trailer shake like an epileptic during an earthquake.
4. Everything in a FEMA trialer doubles as a bed, storage, a seat, and quite possibly a few other things.
5. The sheets that come with a FEMA trailer are one step above paper. You know the pillows you get when you sleep in the hospital waiting room when someone is getting surgery, giving birth, etc? well take the fabric they use for making said pillow cases, and knock it down a notch. So it’s slightly more efficient than wet newspaper.
6. FEMA (fatherly emergency management agency) knows that beer is an essential for aFEMA trailer fridge.
7. I havent actually run into this predicament yet, but they say a FEMA trailer furnace eats propane like homeless people eat trash. Really quick.
8. I mistype trailer by putting the ” i” before the “a” more thanTimmy misspells basic words.

The house is currently slated for Green space. Not sure how in stone that is or what, but that basically means the house will be a park. Not sure of my reaction to that yet.

Porch has had one definite gathering to much success, and applaud of the porch monkeys everywhere. More porch sessions to come.

Anyways, hope everyone is still handling well and rocking like they are David Hasselhoff at the Berlin Wall. To close this off, MArdi Gras is definitely coming soon. We should all kinda start figuring out who is coming in town for certain, so we can make sure the crew has a place to crash.
Till my next update, keep on keepin on.

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