So where do we start..

Mardi Gras was great this year. I went to a bunch of Parades. I went to:
Lil Rascals, Excalibur, Pontchartrain, Shangri-La, Pygmalion, Sparta, Pegasus, Caesar, Carrolton, King Arthur, Rhea, Centurions, Thor, Babylon, Chaos, Muses, Morpheus, Aquila, Knights of Jason, Iris, Tucks, Endymion, Okeanos, Thoth, Mid-City, Bacchus, Proteus, Orpheus, Zeus, Argus, Elks – Jefferson, and Jefferson Trucks. So 31 in total. I tried making 2 others but they passed by the time I got to their routes (Hermes and Krewe D’Etat. Saw lots of people. If I were to name everyone, I’d fill the entire page plus like 3 others. So, you all know who you are. Great to see all of ya. Wish I could have even seen more people, but I still had a great time with everyone. Pics are up on my pictures page (or at least they are working their way up. Lots of them. LOTSLOTS of them) Already can’t wait till next year. I am considering riding in a parade next year.

The new Pope of Party outfit looked awesome. I hope I can keep it together and clean it so it’s ready made for future years.

Trailer Life. Gets more comfortable every day, but I still anxiously await the day when I can live in something made of more than sheet metal and plastic. I bought a new TV stand today, so I’ve kicked up my decor a slight notch from milk crates, although I still am using the crates for clothes storage.

Other News – I’m going to Destin in July to spend time with the entire fam. Can’t wait already. Gonna be awesome. more info to come.

The House – I turned in the paperwork for getting Wilton demolished, so hopefully, that will happen relatively soon. Once it’s torn down, I’ll be that much closer to being back home. So long as they let me (rumor around is of the greenpark area for my neighborhood, but I don’t think it will happen), I’ll rebuild there. I’ll rebuild several feet higher, and leave the bottom open for parking/patio space. Kinda like a house in Cocodrie, but not 12 feet up like there.

Anyways, I hope that everyone that uis reading this is found well and in good spirits. Keep in touch. Peace out.

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